Many website developers take shortcuts or just simply leave features out altogether to make the development process quicker. Here's a few things we include in our web design as standard.
Yes, we'll do this as part of the standard web design package. You don;t need to worry about the technical difficulties at all as w can provide hosting on reliable servers, setup multiple email accounts and purchase and configure domain names and settings. No problem.
Website forms are a great way for the user (or customer) to convey information or requirements to you, or to make a booking or place an order. Form validation is the verifying of information entered by the user, to help ensure it is correct. For example, a email address should be checked to ensure if is of a valid format. This reduces the likelyhood of an error by typing mistake. Address and phone fields can be checked to make sure they have not been left blank by accident, and date fields should be check to verify the dates entered are valid.
You should insist on form validation on your website forms.
Once your website has been live for a few months you'll begin receiving SPAM (junk mail) via your website forms. This is generally computer-generated by "bots" - computers connected to the Internet and programmed to seek out web forms and use them for sending SPAM.
However, this can be combated in a number of ways. We use various data-checking methods and "honeypots", resulting in our forms returning an error rather than sending the junk to you as SPAM.
We would be receiving hundreds of emails every day from our own websites were it not for our SPAM filters. They certainly save us an enormous amount of time and frustration!
You should definitely insist on SPAM filtering on your website forms.
No-one likes nasty surprises. Don't have your new website developed and then get a surprise in the form of a larger than expected bill for the job. Get a free no-obligation quote (that won't scare you!) first so you know what it's going to cost. It's all done online and takes just a minute, and we'll phone or email you (your choice) with the estimated cost.